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Oct 9, 2024

Moonshots or simplicity?

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As a builder, I've often found myself torn between two seemingly opposing paths: chasing grandiose visions and embracing a simpler, more balanced life. This struggle is not unique to me, but one many founders and innovators grapple with.

The allure of tackling monumental challenges like the energy crisis or space exploration is compelling. Building a large, investor-backed company that changes the world is the stuff dreams are made of.

And, there's never been a better time: capital, infrastructure, talent, and equal opportunities for those who have the drive and vision.

I've been there, the draw is alluring. When an idea gets momentum, PMF, and so on, it snowballs. Addictive.

On the other hand, a simple life with steady, 'low-effort' income is becoming increasingly appealing to me and many others.

Although, side note: I have to admit, it is a bit jarring for me to have come to this conclusion. And I'm still not convinced I entirely believe the rhetoric I'm telling myself.

The freedom and peace of mind of this lifestyle are attractive, evident from the spotlight on the current cohort of indie hackers and solopreneurs. They build their AI-powered apps, proudly display their MRR badges on 𝕏, all while enjoying life on a beach in Bali.

It's a tempting picture.

And I am being a tad facetious here, you don't need to be on a beach in Bali. You can be wherever in the world you are (as long as you can build the product / business / revenue stream) — no boss, no investors, just you.

As I've grown older and progressed through different stages of my career (and life), I've come to realise that the decision between these two paths is heavily influenced by time - your worldview changes, your responsibilities change, you change.

Age has a way of putting things into perspective, making the concept of opportunity cost more tangible. With each passing year, the pressure to make the most of our limited time grows stronger.

And that's sort of a forcing function —do you feel increased pressure to be the next Elon Musk, or do you feel increased pressure to savour the moment, watch that sunset, have a nice meal with your partner —the little simple norms that make you feel human.

This realisation, like countless others before me, has led me to question the very nature of success and fulfilment. Is it found in the pursuit of grand, world-changing endeavours, or in the simple joys of a life well-lived?

Is there a middle ground where we can oscillate between the two, finding a balance that allows for both ambition and contentment?

My own journey has taken me from the high-stakes world of venture-backed startups to the hallways of corporate AI, and now to a place where I'm again forging my own path - but trying to stay as lean (solo ideally) as possible.

Each phase has taught me valuable lessons and shaped my understanding of what truly matters. I've come to believe that the answer lies in self-awareness and the courage to periodically reassess our goals.

We must be willing to look inward and ask ourselves what genuinely brings us satisfaction and meaning. It's a deeply personal inquiry that requires honesty and introspection.

Perhaps the true measure of success is not in the scale of our accomplishments, but in the alignment of our actions with our values. It's about having the audacity to define happiness on our own terms, even if it means deviating from societal expectations. Cliché, I know…

In a world that often equates achievement with grand, visible feats, the pursuit of a simpler, more fulfilling life can feel like an act of rebellion. But it's a rebellion worth undertaking.

After all, what good is a moonshot if it comes at the cost of our own peace and well-being?

So, to conclude, I'd I invite you to join me in this introspective journey.

Take a moment to consider your own definition of success and happiness. Embrace the struggle of finding your own path, one that honours your ambitions while also making room for the simple joys that make life worth living.

Remember, the search for meaning and fulfilment is a lifelong endeavour. It's a winding road filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. But if we approach it with self-awareness, courage, and an open heart, we just might find that the true moonshot is the journey itself.